Friday, 29 May 2015

⋙: Strangers to These Shores (11th Edition) by Vincent N. Parrillo

Strangers to These Shores (11th Edition) by Vincent N. Parrillo

Strangers to These Shores (11th Edition)

Strangers to These Shores (11th Edition) by Vincent N. Parrillo PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Examines U.S. racial and ethnic relations from a socio-historical perspective


Strangers to These Shores, 11/e, offers a conceptual and theoretical overview of one of the most interesting and dynamic fields of study - race and ethnic relations. Racial issues are examined through different sociological perspectives, giving students a basis for examining the experiences of different minority groups. Readers will not only see how racial and ethnic groups came to be, but also how they are changing and how they will continue to change in the future.


MySocLab is an integral part of the Parrillo program. Engaging activities and assessments provide a teaching and learning system that helps students examine the experiences of different minority groups with Core Concepts Video Series, explore real-world sociology through the new Social Explorer, and develop critical thinking skills through writing.


This title is available in a variety of formats and prices – digital and print. Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through Pearson’s MyLab products, CourseSmart, Amazon, and more.

From reader reviews:

Joseph Taylor:

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Thursday, 28 May 2015

⋙: Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism

Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism

Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism

Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In the past several decades, the research on spin transport and magnetism has led to remarkable scientific and technological breakthroughs, including Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg’s Nobel Prize-winning discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) in magnetic metallic multilayers. Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism provides a comprehensive, balanced account of the state of the art in the field known as spin electronics or spintronics. It reveals how key phenomena first discovered in one class of materials, such as spin injection in metals, have been revisited decades later in other materials systems, including silicon, organic semiconductors, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and carefully engineered nanostructures.

The first section of the book offers a historical and personal perspective of the field written by Nobel Prize laureate Albert Fert. The second section addresses physical phenomena, such as GMR, in hybrid structures of ferromagnetic and normal metals. The third section discusses recent developments in spin-dependent tunneling, including magnetic tunnel junctions with ferroelectric barriers. In the fourth section, the contributors look at how to control spin and magnetism in semiconductors. In the fifth section, they examine phenomena typically found in nanostructures made from metals, superconductors, molecular magnets, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, and graphene. The final section covers novel spin-based applications, including advanced magnetic sensors, nonvolatile magnetoresistive random access memory, and semiconductor spin-lasers.

The techniques and materials of spintronics have rapidly evolved in recent years, leading to vast improvements in hard drive storage and magnetic sensing. With extensive cross-references between chapters, this seminal handbook provides a complete guide to spin transport and magnetism across various classes of materials and structures.

From reader reviews:

David Beall:

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Wednesday, 27 May 2015

⋙: It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: The world's best selling book by Paul Arden

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: The world's best selling book by Paul Arden

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: The world's best selling book

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: The world's best selling book by Paul Arden PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be is a handbook of how to succeed in the world - a pocket 'bible' for the talented and timid to make the unthinkable thinkable and the impossible possible. The world's top advertising guru, Paul Arden, offers up his wisdom on issues as diverse as problem solving, responding to a brief, communicating, playing your cards right, making mistakes and creativity, all notions that can be applied to aspects of modern life. This book provides a unique insight into the world of advertising and is a quirky compilation of quotes, facts, pictures, wit and wisdom, packed into easy-to-digest, bite-sized spreads. If you want to succeed in life or business, this is a must!

Paul Arden began his career in advertising at the age of 16. For 14 years he was Executive Creative Director at Saatchi and Saatchi, where he was responsible for some of Britain's best known campaigns including British Airways, Silk Cut, Anchor Butter, InterCity and Fuji. His famous slogans include 'The Car in front is a Toyota' and 'The Independent - It is - Are You?'. In 1993 he set up the London-based production company Arden Sutherland-Dodd where he is now a commercials director for clients such as BT, BMW, Ford, Nestle and Levis.

From reader reviews:

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Sunday, 24 May 2015

⋙: Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud by Brendan Gregg

Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud by Brendan Gregg

Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud

Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud by Brendan Gregg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Complete Guide to Optimizing Systems Performance


Written by the winner of the 2013 LISA Award for Outstanding Achievement in System Administration

Large-scale enterprise, cloud, and virtualized computing systems have introduced serious performance challenges. Now, internationally renowned performance expert Brendan Gregg has brought together proven methodologies, tools, and metrics for analyzing and tuning even the most complex environments. Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud focuses on Linux® and Unix® performance, while illuminating performance issues that are relevant to all operating systems. You’ll gain deep insight into how systems work and perform, and learn methodologies for analyzing and improving system and application performance. Gregg presents examples from bare-metal systems and virtualized cloud tenants running Linux-based Ubuntu®, Fedora®, CentOS, and the illumos-based Joyent® SmartOS™ and OmniTI OmniOS®. He systematically covers modern systems performance, including the “traditional” analysis of CPUs, memory, disks, and networks, and new areas including cloud computing and dynamic tracing. This book also helps you identify and fix the “unknown unknowns” of complex performance: bottlenecks that emerge from elements and interactions you were not aware of. The text concludes with a detailed case study, showing how a real cloud customer issue was analyzed from start to finish.


Coverage includes

• Modern performance analysis and tuning: terminology, concepts, models, methods, and techniques

• Dynamic tracing techniques and tools, including examples of DTrace, SystemTap, and perf

• Kernel internals: uncovering what the OS is doing

• Using system observability tools, interfaces, and frameworks

• Understanding and monitoring application performance

• Optimizing CPUs: processors, cores, hardware threads, caches, interconnects, and kernel scheduling

• Memory optimization: virtual memory, paging, swapping, memory architectures, busses, address spaces, and allocators

• File system I/O, including caching

• Storage devices/controllers, disk I/O workloads, RAID, and kernel I/O

• Network-related performance issues: protocols, sockets, interfaces, and physical connections

• Performance implications of OS and hardware-based virtualization, and new issues encountered with cloud computing

• Benchmarking: getting accurate results and avoiding common mistakes


This guide is indispensable for anyone who operates enterprise or cloud environments: system, network, database, and web admins; developers; and other professionals. For students and others new to optimization, it also provides exercises reflecting Gregg’s extensive instructional experience.


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Thursday, 14 May 2015

⋙: 101 Ways to Use a Unicorn by Robb Pearlman

101 Ways to Use a Unicorn by Robb Pearlman

101 Ways to Use a Unicorn

101 Ways to Use a Unicorn by Robb Pearlman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Fans of the magical unicorn are legion, and the unicorn’s appearance in pop culture shows no signs of waning. This book presents lighthearted, slightly twisted, and always funny practical uses for a unicorn. Everyone loves unicorns—what’s not to love They’re beautiful, magical creatures. Author Robb Pearlman and illustrator Dave Urban join twistedly hilarious forces once again to create 101 Ways to Use a Unicorn, their follow-up to 101 Ways to Kill a Zombie. This latest book is a manual of sorts, detailing creative ways to employ the neighborhood unicorn in everyday life. The methods range from the practical to pop cultural to slightly dark—but all are laugh-out-loud funny: Hunger Games (the unicorn is an arrow being shot out of a longbow by a teenage girl); Bookmark (the unicorn’s horn is between the pages of a closed book on a nightstand); Clothesline (a clothesline is strung between the side of a house and the unicorn horn, as a housewife hangs clothes); Award Ceremony Seat Filler (the unicorn is in a tuxedo, seated between Angelina Jolie and Meryl Streep); and Jedi (the unicorn’s horn is lit up like a light saber in a fight with Darth Vader).Equal parts satire and tribute to this beloved mythical animal, 101 Ways to Use a Unicorn is sure to tickle unicorn fans young and old.

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Wednesday, 13 May 2015

⋙: Scumble by Ingrid Law

Scumble by Ingrid Law


Scumble by Ingrid Law PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nine years after Mibs's Savvy journey, her cousin Ledge has just turned 13.... But Ledger Kale's savvy is a total dud - all he does is make little things fall apart. So his parents decide it's safe to head to Wyoming, where it's soon revealed that Ledge's savvy is much more powerful than anyone thought. Worse, his savvy disaster has an outside witness: Sarah Jane Cabot, reporter wannabe and daughter of the local banker.

Just like that, Ledge's beloved normal life is over. Now he has to keep Sarah from turning family secrets into headlines, stop her father from foreclosing on Uncle Autry's ranch, and scumble his savvy into control so that, someday, he can go home.

Starring a cast both fresh and familiar, Scumble brilliantly melds Ingrid Law's signature heart and humor with the legendary Wild West.

From reader reviews:

Herman Lewis:

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Saturday, 9 May 2015

⋙: Ceramic Materials for Electronics, Third Edition (Materials Engineering)

Ceramic Materials for Electronics, Third Edition (Materials Engineering)

Ceramic Materials for Electronics, Third Edition (Materials Engineering)

Ceramic Materials for Electronics, Third Edition (Materials Engineering) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Third Edition of Ceramic Materials for Electronics studies a wide range of ceramic materials, including insulators, conductors, piezoelectrics, and ferroelectrics, through detailed discussion of their properties, characterization, fabrication, and applications in electronics. The author summarizes the latest trends and advancements in the field, and explores important topics such as ceramic thin film, functional device technology, and thick film technology. Edited by a leading expert on the subject, this new edition includes more than 150 pages of new information; restructured reference materials, figures, and tables; as well as additional device application-oriented segments.

From reader reviews:

Regina Laporte:

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Friday, 8 May 2015

⋙: Real Essays with Readings: Writing for Success in College, Work, and Everyday Life by Susan Anker

Real Essays with Readings: Writing for Success in College, Work, and Everyday Life by Susan Anker

Real Essays with Readings: Writing for Success in College, Work, and Everyday Life

Real Essays with Readings: Writing for Success in College, Work, and Everyday Life by Susan Anker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Real Essays puts essay writing in a real-world context, showing students that critical writing, reading, and thinking skills are both attainable and essential to student success.

Real Essays helps students to connect the writing class with their real lives and with the expectations of the larger world. This new edition has expanded rhetorical situation coverage, emphasizing the rhetorical triangle (audience, purpose, and author), and helping students think and read more critically. In addition, even more situational writing from the workplace showcases how students will use writing beyond the classroom. Profiles of Success from former students, over forty professional and student readings (50% new), and proven step-by-step grammar and writing instruction, energize and encourage students while giving them the support they need. With a simplified design, this updated version of Real Essays helps students realize their goals and gives instructors the support and tools they need to help them reach those goals.

This edition can be packaged with LaunchPad Solo for Real Essays, which includes LearningCurve, the adaptive online quizzing program with immediate feedback that 95% of students surveyed recommend to their peers. Additional online multiple-choice grammar exercises offer even more practice on the grammar concepts students find most challenging.

From reader reviews:

William Nix:

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Celia Redmond:

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⋙: Data Modeling in SAP NetWeaver BW by Frank K. Wolf, Stefan Yamada

Data Modeling in SAP NetWeaver BW by Frank K. Wolf, Stefan Yamada

Data Modeling in SAP NetWeaver BW

Data Modeling in SAP NetWeaver BW by Frank K. Wolf, Stefan Yamada PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book explains (in detail) the concept of developing and implementing an SAP data model. It provides practical coverage of all the concepts and technologies associated with a fundamentally sound data model, ensuring that a model not only satisfies a company’s existing reporting and analysis needs, but also one that is built to allow the model to grow and adapt to a company’s changing needs/requirements. This book provides up-to-date coverage for SAP NetWeaver BW 7.1, BusinessObjects, while also presenting a roadmap for future data model development and maintenance.

From reader reviews:

Jill Davis:

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⋙: Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, David Zinczenko

Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, David Zinczenko

Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy

Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, David Zinczenko PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The authoritative, must-have healthy-eating guide for pregnant women, from America’s most trusted OB/GYN and the mega-selling authors of Eat This, Not That!
Master These Fast and Easy Food Swaps—For Your Happiest, Healthiest Baby!
Tired of worrying about what you should be eating for your baby—and for you? Dr. Jennifer Ashton, chief women’s health correspondent for ABC News, has delivered 1,500 happy, healthy babies, and now she’s here to help yours. Eat This, Not That! When You’re Expecting features trimester-by-trimester meal plans, detailed restaurant-by-restaurant guides, and aisle-by-aisle supermarket swaps—not to mention easy, delicious recipes that satisfy every craving. Now you can order, cook, and enjoy meals with total confidence, thanks to this authoritative, must-have healthy-eating guide, from America’s most trusted OB/GYN with David Zinczenko, co-founder of Eat This, Not That!
You’ll learn:
• The essential nutrients, and where to find them.
• What to order when you’re eating out.
• What to buy, aisle-by-aisle in the supermarket.
• How to cook delicious craving crushers and healthy meals.
• And how to stop worrying, live healthfully, and enjoy the next amazing nine months.
Whatever you’re hungry for, wherever you happen to be, Dr. Ashton delivers the answers:
Which foods are allowed?
Get the scoop on cheese, fish, diet soda, and more—including a complete guide to  brand names.
Which chemicals are harmful?
Find authoritative answers on artificial sweeteners, MSG, and questionable pregnancy foods.
Which brands are best?
Arm yourself with simple and delicious guides to healthy pizza, pasta, sandwiches, even burgers!
How do I handle cravings?
Discover 1,000s of food swaps for every desire—with hundreds of quick, simple, and satisfying recipes.
PLUS! A complete morning sickness survival guide!
Turn to the insightful and authoritative menu plans in Eat This, Not That! When You’re Expecting to help you:
• Give your child a head start with delicious brain-boosting pregnancy foods.
• Reduce your baby’s risk of allergies and asthma.
• Protect yourself and your child from obesity today—and long into the future.
• Make delivery safer, easier and less painful!

From reader reviews:

Scott Duran:

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Read Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, David Zinczenko for online ebook

Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, David Zinczenko Free PDF d0wnl0ad, audio books, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books, online books, books online, book reviews epub, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, PDF best books to read, top books to read Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, David Zinczenko books to read online.

Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, David Zinczenko Doc

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Eat This, Not That When You're Expecting: The Doctor-Recommended Plan for Baby and You! Your Complete Guide to the Very Best Foods for Every Stage of Pregnancy by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, David Zinczenko EPub

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

⋙: Impact of Communication Technology upon Human Experience: the key to changing civilizations by William McGaughey

Impact of Communication Technology upon Human Experience: the key to changing civilizations by William McGaughey

Impact of Communication Technology upon Human Experience: the key to changing civilizations

Impact of Communication Technology upon Human Experience: the key to changing civilizations by William McGaughey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book is about how communication technology affects the content of its experience. “The medium is the message,” said Marshall McLuhan. So the introduction of a new communication technology affects the type of society that is created after it becomes widely used. It also gives rise to certain institutions.

For example, the development of radio and television was an essential precondition to the entertainment culture that we have in America today. Such media allow certain personalities to become widely known through their personal images as well as words.

In a similar way the development of writing was useful to government and religion. The development of printing allowed commercial society to advertise and sell its products. It provided cheap books for courses in school.

When humanity adopted writing, something was gained and something lost. It had to do mostly with memory. Writing freed people from having to remember petty details. However, it also destroyed the rich culture of ritualistic religion that allowed people to connect with the spirit world through remembered rituals and words.
Primitive as it is, a society without writing has spiritual and emotional riches that civilized people do not know.

Now in the past half century, we seem to be moving from a culture based on writing to one again based upon the spoken word. Something is lost in terms of intellectual depth and precision; but it may be that something else is gained in the fast-paced, bountiful culture that young people today enjoy.

The thrust of this chapter is to show how changing communications media changed society and how such changes affected world history. To understand the connections will explain why world history should be organized according to the Five Epochs scheme.

From reader reviews:

Ismael Black:

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Tuesday, 5 May 2015

⋙: The Aleppo Cookbook: Celebrating the Legendary Cuisine of Syria by Marlene Matar

The Aleppo Cookbook: Celebrating the Legendary Cuisine of Syria by Marlene Matar

The Aleppo Cookbook: Celebrating the Legendary Cuisine of Syria

The Aleppo Cookbook: Celebrating the Legendary Cuisine of Syria by Marlene Matar PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad


It is hardly surprising that Aleppo, one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities, is also home to one of the world's most distinguished and vibrant cuisines. Surrounded by fertile lands and located at the end of the Silk Road, which passed through Central Asia and Mesopotamia, Aleppo was a food capital long before Paris, Rome, or New York. Its diverse communities of Arabs, Kurds, Armenians, Circassians, and others contributed to its culinary traditions and produced a vast selection of different types of dishes - and no less than 20 kinds of kibbeh recipes.

Here, one of the Arab world's most renowned chefs unlocks the secrets to this distinctive cuisine in this comprehensive cookbook filled with practical guidance on Middle Eastern cooking techniques as well as step-by step explanations of over 200 irresistible recipes, such as Chili and Garlic Kebab, Syrian Fishcakes, Lamb Stuffed Eggplants, Semolina and Butter pudding, and the queen of the mezze table, Red Pepper and Walnut Spread. Divided into 15 chapters (Basic Recipes; Appetizers and Mezze; Soups; Salads and Accompaniments; Grains; Fish; Poultry; Meat; Kibbeh; Stuffed Dishes; Vegetables; Stews; Bread; Desserts and Sweets; Pickles and Preserves; and Beverages), traditional cooking and preservation methods go hand-in-hand with modern combinations of flavors and today's desire for healthful and natural meals.

Wonderful full-color photography of the food, people, and markets of Aleppo make this a stunning cookbook, a great gift for food lovers, and a fitting tribute to a beautiful city and the suffering its people have endured.

From reader reviews:

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Lamar Carr:

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Friday, 1 May 2015

⋙: Picasso en un trait (French Edition) by Collectif

Picasso en un trait (French Edition) by Collectif

Picasso en un trait (French Edition)

Picasso en un trait (French Edition) by Collectif PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From reader reviews:

Ramona Johnson:

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