Wednesday, 22 July 2015

⋙: Ayurvediya Garbh Sanskar (Marathi Edition) by Dr. Balaji Tambe

Ayurvediya Garbh Sanskar (Marathi Edition) by Dr. Balaji Tambe

Ayurvediya Garbh Sanskar (Marathi Edition)

Ayurvediya Garbh Sanskar (Marathi Edition) by Dr. Balaji Tambe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What's in the book?

Everything you need to know from the time you plan to have your baby, through pregnancy and delivery, and up until your child is two years old.

The ancient scriptures and Ayurveda prescribe a particular daily practice for the pregnant woman. Along with the prescription of diet, Yoga, and routine body care, instructions are also given for reading material, subjects of discussion, and music and mantras to be listened to. Garbha Sanskar is an ayurvedic way to achieve feminine balance. The book will help the woman to achieve a perfect balance to conceive and give birth to a healthy, beautiful and intellectual child. It is a complete guide on Nutrition, Yoga, Spiritual life and Wellness before pregnancy and till the child is 2-3 yrs.

Traditional Indian Sanskar and therapies

Planning for a healthy child and preparing for pregnancy

Ayurvedic concepts and medical formulations for pregnancy

The importance of Healing Music

Yoga during and after Pregnancy

Diet before, during and after pregnancy

Daily practices that can help your baby in the womb

Complete child care

Natural diet and therapy that helps you regain your shape after delivery.

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