Saturday, 26 March 2016

⋙: The Drunk Diet: How I Lost 40 Pounds...Wasted: A Memoir by Lc Carl

The Drunk Diet: How I Lost 40 Pounds...Wasted: A Memoir by Lc Carl

The Drunk Diet: How I Lost 40 Pounds...Wasted: A Memoir

The Drunk Diet: How I Lost 40 Pounds...Wasted: A Memoir by Lc Carl PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

With his trademark rock 'n' roll hair and snakeskin spandex pants, plus a hot rod and a Harley, Lüc Carl fit the part as a bar manager based in New York City's gritty Lower East Side. And life was good for this Omaha, Nebraska, transplant—a talented drummer who originally moved to the big city to pursue his rock 'n' roll dreams—until, suddenly, it wasn't. Fast forward through seven years of working long hours, binging on late-night Chinese food, and drinking excessively; life had found Lüc forty pounds overweight and completely out of shape. But when he turned to the "experts" for advice—reading countless fitness and weight-loss books in the process—he discovered that they all made the same claim: "You can't drink alcohol if you want to lose weight." Lüc decided to take matters into his own hands to transform his body and his life his way.Full of charismatic wit and raucous stories about his life, The Drunk Diet will inspire and challenge you to become fitter, healthier, and happier. Lüc's fitness philosophy isn't about following a list of rigid rules or traditional "do this, not that" charts, but gaining a better understanding of how the body works and discovering what you're personally willing to change about your lifestyle in order to reach your goals. For him, that meant trading in the crap he was eating for unprocessed, natural foods and embracing a new-found love for exercise, but never sacrificing his social life (or his love for cold beer).This is the story of how one chain-smoking, cheeseburger-eating, hard-partying rock 'n' roller grew into an avid runner and cyclist and, ultimately, a happier version of himself. He will be the first to tell you: If he could do it, so can you.

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